udorn air base thailand photos

Are there any maps of Hill 272? I was a weapons mechanic working on the 20MM cannon on the F-105,F-4C,F-4D,F-4E and a little on the AC-130 gunship. We had to disembark in Vietnam for the refueling. My dad was a strong person so Im wondering what happened then/there that would have scared him so much. Heart and Arterial disease, A-fib to the point where i now have a Watchman device implanted in my heart. Does any one have any advice on how to proceed with yet another appeal. I worked nights and slept days and, sometime in the middle of my year, an F-4 was returning to base with a hung 500lb bomb. I was with the 49 TFW and served in Linebacker 1 & 2, until reading this , from this blog. The whole affair is a travesty of justice without honor for our service. And the discussion of whether the soldiers were exposed to Agent Orange in Thailand would be unnecessary, since the VA already has agreed that if a soldier met the boots on the ground test (i.e., by standing on soil in Vietnam), then they were automatically exposed to Agent Orange. My husband also worked in Korat for about 9 months. Thank You-, Im working on an intense website that connects military to locations and diseases/illnesses, This has been a long process due to military locations. I turned 19 over there. Coming on base from the main gate, traveling past hooches and Thai O-club on the right, eventually crossing a bridge over the klong (near the chapel). Army Veterans who provided perimeter security on RTAF . Does anyone stationed at Takhli remember the bone yard. I say plus regarding all of the Air Force locations because they we were plush compared to Nam Phong. I was stationed at Utapoa from Dec74 to Dec75 as a special purpose vehicle mechanic. The ground-based Direct Air Support Center, (DASC) and the Airborne Battlefield Command and Control Centers (ABCCC) operated here. shop that were run down off base by a dump truck. U.S. Air Force bases in Thailand were vulnerable to the same kinds of attacks as air bases in Vietnam. may result in removed comments. I would love to hear from anyone who was there at either place during those years. I applied for disability for exposure and was turned down with the reason that AO was of no danger once it dried. We dated and she Loves me And I her. Its sad that we are finally eligible for disability benefits after most of us are gone, and for my condition (Multiple Myeloma) not long to go. All aircraft in SEA in 1964 were under control of Hq. I would like the coordinates of Company C if possible. The owner of the land was NOT happy. I had no idea that AO was being used to clear the jungles before we went in to grade and build barracks. Udorn 08/1970 to 07/1971 Looking for photos of Hospital tents for that time. did anyone ever go to Green Hill Site in Thailand. Is there anyone out there that has the same experience?? You sent us there and now have abanded us. Ive studied the recognized dates. Been fighting the VA over illnesses they claim were not service related for over 15 years even though there is documented evidence proving otherwise. Been trying to get the VA to approve my Parkinsons. On 02s with 23rd TASS. Please confirm if you got answers or got your claim since 2020. Research has classified my type as being caused by other than being passed on by genes. ORANGE. He has terminal prostate cancer, mets to the bones, multiple myeloma and Polycythemia Vera (blood disorder). The VA has classified me under the Blue Water Navy Act of Vietnam (2019) as being exposed and I have be advised Ill receive 30% disability. I was looking for anyone assigned to Udorn 432nd, 14th TRS between 1/1971-1/1972. Air America provide air support to the Free Laotian and Hmong peoples' fight against the Pathet Lao Communist-backed army trying to overthrow Laos and also put Cambodia in harm's way mirroring the . I remember how fast everything turned brown and the strong smell that lasted a few days. I know people in other branches that were compensated under the Boots on the ground concept . Their policy of claimants having to prove duty on or near the perimeter is flawed as it does not allow for any possibility that the toxic dioxin contaminants spread throughout the bases by vehicle and foot traffic, atmospheric natural winds and turbulence created by aircraft and helicopters, munitions movements, dust storms, animals, flowing ground waters after rain storms, etc. I now take that to mean Hmong tribesmen. I was there when the Thai workers and an airman arrived in a pickup truck and pulled what was a converted Water Buffalo tanker. I was also at Udorn ,Thailand in 1974 to 75 as a RF-4C crew chief. Served at Ubon Aug. 1971 to Aug. 1972 and Korat Jan. 1973 to June, 1973. Operating out of Udorn Royal Thai Air Force Base (RTAFB) in northern Thailand, the 432nd Tactical Reconnaissance Wing (TRW) is probably one of the lesser known Air Force units that participated in the Vietnam War, despite the fact that for most of its existence at Udorn, it was unique among Air Force wings. I was billeted at a small camp near Udorn belonging to a pole linemen company. Will I get it, who knows? EX CPL, 594 SIG TROOP , 2 SIG REGIMENT ADF. I was in the Air Force in Thailand from May 66 to May 67. He passed away several years ago from heart disease and kidney failure associated with diabetes but now Im trying to help my mom obtain VA benefits for assisted living. I was stationed at Korat from December 1974 until October 1975. By Dr. Deborah Kidwell. His job was medical with the Flight Surgeons office.Does anyone know what this duty consisted of? Thank you for your time. [1] It is in the city of Udon Thani in northeastern Thailand and is the main airport serving the city and province. Anyone remember Kenneth Hamlin? You served our country over there in a foreign land, were exposed to that horrible AO while doing so, and the VA should be paying benefits to any veteran with any cancer that can be linked to any exposure to AO while serving. Nothing on my DD-214 to confirm black ops trips to Korat/Ubon AFB, Thailand or bombing raids over Vietnam/Laos. I was stationed at Udorn RTAFB in 1967-68 in the USAF. Was volunteeredto crew a ORH C-123 through UDorn eventually to Buen Hoa and others in Vietnam. I worked the avionics ECM shop and flight line on B66, F105, F4,& EC121 Any help would be appreciated. They are trying to determine where exactly he was and if he went off base. The GI that was in charge also got burned real bad and was sent to Clark AFB dont know if he ever lived or not!! I served 30 days as an Air Police Augmentee. I was stationed at Cam Rahn Bay,Vietnam air base 1969-1970 and Utapao,Thailand 1971. Stage 7 prostate cancer myself along with three auto immune diseases. Clint. Security Police. I know some history of it from locals and a few US VFW visitors, but I would be interested in anyone who remembers visiting this place back in the day. I was stationed in Bangkok, Thailand with Deputy Chief JUSMAG from March 1969 to August 1970. It would be helpful to us. Its major units were the 33 rd and 34 th Tactical Group and the 315 th Troop Carrier Group in South Vietnam, and the 35th Tactical Group in Thailand. The soldiers got off the plane (deplaned), and walked on the tarmac. Any of that traveling in or near perimeter spray or drift zone? I was TDY to KRTAB from Apr72-Sep72 during Linebacker 1. However, I am now trying to pursue some legal assistance. I still have the copy of the order if anybody needs it that is on the list. I moved from the storage section over to the motor pool in the bomb dump. VA will not accept that being on a Thai Base should be sufficient to claim exposure to Agent Orange. Also for those of you there around that time frame, how about Pete? How can I contact people who have left a comment? Simply google namphong.com and take a stroll down memory lane. EVERY VA case that was filed with the VA relative to your search will come up. He passed away in 1997. It was like he knew something was going to happen to him. (TDY Supporting the Airlift mission in SVN while I was stationed at Okinawa). Also did guard duty 3 times on the outskirts of the base when we were on high alert, not listed on my record. I have been fighting with the VA over the Agent orange issue and other illness associated with Agent Orange since 2017 when I first became aware of the exposure. The USAF units were the majority of American forces deployed in Thailand. I was stationed at Korat at that time period. I spent four to six hours a day in Da Nang or Bien Hoa. I was also stationed at Korat in 1972-73. I have a claim pending with VA but not really holding out much hope until they finally admit that there should by a presumption of exposure just for being on that base. Better known as the Rose Garden. Worked on the flight line as a Crew Chief on EB-66s tail# 424 If anyone would have known him please reach out. Our Barracks at UT were within the Drift Zone, as claimed by the VA. Neuropathy in both feet and both hands have progressively gotten worse however, the VA says I should have reported it within a year of exposure or when I determined it to be an issue. I was stationed at Ubon Jun 70 to Jun 71 with the 408th MMS. As for AO, I dont know of anyone from the Rose Garden making claims for AO caused disabilities there. I was at Ubon RTAFB, December 1969 December 1970, 8th Combat Support Group (PACAF) 408th Munitions Maintenance Squadron (MMS). We made monthly flights until 1975. I was never able to get an audience with anyone regarding the herbicides-Vitiligo-sunburn connection. Having trouble proving I had perimeter guard duty! I was based at Korat In 1969 and I have non-Hodgkins lymphoma. I come from a family without heart issues. I got notified this month my claim was denied. I have not filed a clame yet, but I saw the new bill passed by the legislature included high blood pressure as a result of being exposed to agent orange. Here is hoping we all get positive results from VA. My DD214 shows SEA duty time and other overseas time but when (after 3 years waiting) I finally got my full records set I could not find orders for several such trips, and I dont recall if I ever got any officially. I worked the Hot Pad just above this ramp and loaded C-130s on 5060. Just as routinely, RF-4s flying out of Udorn air refueled only prior to the rare mission which included F-4 companionship--or, after a mission over (nom de guerre: Hot Dog) North Vietnam which recovered at Tan Son Nhut. If any one can recall these incidents and would be so kind as to confirm them with a letter I would really appreciate it. God Bless, and good luck on the benefit that you so deserve. I was stationed at nkp Thailand May 1971 thru May 1972,SPS security. I was a mechanic/crew chief/flight engineer on a Kaman HH43B. On and off flightline daily to preflight and postflight equipment aboard aircraft. Spent 9/68 to 9/69 at U-Tapao and was assigned to MMS fixing jammers and trailers on far side of base. I also have diabetes now. A.O. Udorn Air Force Base Thailand 1969 archive HD stock video footage clips and photos. Since had constant health issues including quadruple bypass and skin issues. . Thanks for all of the help brothers. Ray Fisher & Charles Lausier- Transmitter o U.S. Air Force veterans who served on Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF) bases at U-Tapao, Ubon, Nakhon Phanom, Udorn, Takhli, Korat, and Don Muang, near the air base perimeter anytime between February 28, 1961 and May 7, 1975. o U.S. Army veterans who provided perimeter security on RTAF bases in Thailand anytime Neither edition of the map appears to be widely distributed in libraries. Not all of them, but I am still working on the appeals. Themapped data concerning American forces isbroken down by color:Red symbolsrepresent U.S Army installations and facilities that numbered 45; the blue U.S. Navy and Coast Guard installations that numbered 18; the green U.S. Air Force installations that numbered 28; and thebrown Joint and Others locations that numbered 11. I served in Ubon Air force base late 70-71 as a mechanic. My boots on the Ground on a recovery in country has no documentation as it was done under the cover of night to recover a aircraft that had an engine failure. Its a dishonor and flagrant insult. On 8 June 1967 the squadron relocated from Udorn to Tuy Hoa Air Base, South Vietnam and began to receive HC-130Ps to replace their HC-130Hs. I cant provide a lot of information. Ask to submit a claim. Her husband served at U-Tapao from June 1971 June 1973, his MOS was Aerospace Ground Equipment Vehicle Operator, working with B52s and KC135s. Applied for disability.got turned down. Not sure of base, archives claims records are lost. Rod Gaudin (SPC 4 47th Infantry). Thank You-, To your question, my blog mentions the difficulty of finding such in information packaged in one place. I have a claim in for several conditions that the VA doctors say could have been caused by exposure to agent orange while stationed at NKP. Have photos of hutches we stayed in but va claims they could be from any base. When am I considered in a support to a Hostile Theater. I learned of my exposure to Agent Orange on April 29, 201947 years after the fact. I was at Takhli Jan 1966-1967. Worked F-4DS WCS looking for anyone on flight line during this time. I only was approved for Agent Orange exposure due to my being able to PROVE to the VA that, on my way to Thailand, our military transport plane landed at Saigon and when I left we were routed on the military plane and landed on Saigon on the way home! USAF fighter-bombers first arrived in late 1961. . I served in Thailand as an ASA Cambodian mission specialist with the 7 Radio Research Field Station Airborne Radio Direction Finding.(ARDF). I filed a claim with the VA. First they said that AO was not used at Tahkli since 1964, then they said that They never received my medical records( which I sent). Just glad I can still get vertical every day. To jack stover. I worked at the AGE shop. Why did the Air Force deny for 50 plus years that we were sprayed. If anyone who was from the Red Horse outfit I would love to chat with you about our time there and anything you know about AO there. The VA My husband and I were in Udorn. I was the Operations Sargent. Fenced in compound back fence the base perimeter. Gratuitous links to sites are viewed as spam and The form IBM. 05h20. . Assigned to 7th Maint Bn while in Koran. Was assigned to 355 FMS/AGE at Takhli and to MMS/AGE at U-Tapao. I worked in the ECM shop. that area was build by the navy seebee, not the red horse. Im surprised there is absolutely no discussion on the impact of Agent Orange on the Thai public. On the base is a maze of wire and steel rods laid out over an area larger than a football field. I also spent much of my free time in the city of Korat. I volunteered both times believing it was my duty and honor to my country. (Photo credit: library of Dick . I was with 207th signal company detachment F on Hill 272 near Sattahip Thailand June 1968 to June 1969.I have high blood pressure and stage 3 kidney disease. Last mission was the rescue of the S.S. Mayuguez crew captured by Cambodian Communists on May 15, 1975. I was there sept72 till march 73. Then again in 74 75 for 8 months at Utapao for the cambodian air lift.I joined the navy in 76 and started having sever head aches that resulted in nerological problems and brain damage. Tell an interesting story or get a smile from someone else's memories. Just had my Moderna shots recently at Dingell Hodpital, just trying to stay alive! They sprayed AO around the entire fence area. He died April 2020, he had type 2 diabetes, heart problems and was on dailyze three times a week.Being retired and covered under tricare for life he saw civiiian doctors and no one every asked if he was expost to AO. About March 1970 a major defoliation of the perimeters of all Thai Air Bases began following the January 13, 1970 sapper attack on Ubon RTAFB. I have been denied any benefits for Agent Orange and my health is failing loosing my motor skills and quality of life. we lived in tents, waited for rain to shower and ate c-rats until the seabees came. I was in camp friendship may 1966-1967 went with the 20th Ordnance company. - U.S. Army Veterans who provided perimeter security on RTAF based in Thailand anytime between Feb. 28, 1961 and May 7,1975. Message for Karen Whitfield who posted on September 12, 2022 at 6:04 pm, I was at 6908 Security Squadron NKP July 1974 to June 1975 and made a successful disability claim for Agent Orange (Parkinsons and Type 2 Diabetes) and PTSD. Over the years I became Diabetic, have issues with my thyroid, heart. We left just after Jack Trimble was shot down. Trying to help a friend with his benefits, he was with the 23rd Tac Fighter Wing at Korat Royal Thai AFB during summer 1973 but cant find any personnel documents that list the names of people who were sent there. Im researching for my husband who was stationed at Camp America (officially may have been Camp Falong) 67-68. John A. Madden, Jr. and Capt. Then at Camp Vayama and Camp Samae San, Sattahip, until I left Thailand in April, 1970. I am not getting timely reembursement of meds under FOREIGN MEDICAL PROGRAM. Exposed to AO, and diagnosed with Parkinsons disease in 2004, all claims submitted to VA were denied. Melvin A. Bosch Msgt Retired. Birth President was Herbert Hoover #31 Any other Security Police who worked the Korat perimeter please contact me. His claims of exposure have repeatedly been denied since 1993. By the way, there was a lot of complaints about the barracks area. . Do any of you (besides Gary) know anything about Nam Phong, otherwise known as MCAS Rose Graden? Does anyone know or did kno a person by the name of Dan or dannie f harrolle that was in the air force when he was in thialand. VA has denied me twice and now I am working on my 3rd denial letter and pray for their approval. After about 5 months in Thailand we starting running 2 miles each morning, m-f and Camp Samae San was beautiful base but small, I am currently a disabled physician assistant, the congress in the last yr has submitted a house bill hr2201 and senate bill 1381, these bills are the same and would treat thai vets just like viet nam vets when it comes to agent orange, wish me luck, if im able to finally get what i deserve, i will be happy to help any of u all GOD bless America. These insignia could be mixed, matched or eliminatedand routinely wereto display the desired insignia for the day's mission (more: "Colonel Wing Commander" in Alone, Unarmed and Unafraid). I was approved for agent orange benefits by the VA Dr who evaluated for my condition. 20 years later I developed Diabetes and have since gotten Neuropathy of both feet and legs and mild in my fingers, lost all my toes on right foot and some partial loss on left foot. I live in Bangkok and would like to meet a Vietnam Vet for a conversation. I worked for the USAFSS in 1975 at Utapao; my little group serviced U-2 aircraft (ECM and encrypted radios) based there which intercepted radio communications while soaring at high altitude over Laos and Cambodia. These are just a few pictures I took around the base. I read with interest all of the recollections of those serving at all the plush Air Force facilities throuhout Thailand, but I reflect back to the entry from Gary E McEvilla, September 24, 2019. our commo center was the largest and only link for all communications from vietnam into thailand they all came thur warin ics. I have heard of other guys having missing records from military. An EWO on AC-130s A&H Models. She asked me if I was in the military during the Vietnam war. My husband served at the Korat air base in 1970. I know of no four sappers ever being killed by a augmentee. In addition to the wealth of Technical Services capability at Udorn, a number of other valuable support assets have been developed. Luckily I actually had a hard copy of my travel pay ticket showing the transit route and signed by some ops Officer so I could collect my transit pay. I help veterans that served at Udorn RTAFB by providing them highly detailed official U.S. Government maps at the time, and high resolution aerial photos of the base, both of which I annotate with their specific DUTY Stations. Chief among the reasons that they have sought this information is because some American personnel were exposed to Agent Orange while serving in Thailand. And I heard Navy vets, sitting off shore get qualified for Agent Orange? Well, that's my understanding of how things went down! I served in the army at comm sites at Utapao Korat, and Hill 272 Sattahip. A Short History of Ramasun Station. Trying to contact a Stephen N. Wood. I felt fine for years. I had to get my APRs for proof I was TDY at Tahkli. Forty-two months all-in. Towers,Bunkers m60. I am 70 years old now. Awaiting a board review if I am around that long. 3967 the Veteran must prove he/she was stationed at a base in Thailand, have a least one AO presumptive condition, and have current medical records filed with the claim to back it up. Just applied for AO complications.. Mike Egan 66-7463. I believe the later was for tracking flights. I entered service In 1966 and was stationed at 3 PACAF USAF locations as an Airman. all statements are helpful. Public outcry and official investigations followed. I mixed napalm for two months on the perimeter and now have had prostate cancer, with all the trimings, heart disease, hearing etc. Stationed at Takhli and Korat Thailand from May 1970 to May 1972. Through 1975 and Stationed at Ramasun Station I continued to monitor the Khmer Rouge and the Slaughter of innocence.The Genocide.From Ramasun we continued to monitor the events that happened, the Fall of Saigon and the Mayaguez incident. The use was directly across from the ,RED HORSE, heavy equipment AO. The VA report turned me down because According to the report, just because you stopped by to get gas, it doesnt mean boots on the ground. I think some of the reviewers like to insult and degrade people even though they are seen as ignorant by people who were there and actually served. I was stationed at Ubon RTAFB IN 1971/72 as a B57G maintenance crew chief. For those stationed in Thailand, the VA rules state you must have been within 500 meters of the perimeters to qualify for exposure to AO. After reading all the preceding comments I decided I wont waste my time fighting a government agency that has little honesty or integrity. I was stationed at Utapao in 1972-73 and Korat and Ubon in 73-74. Connected, and have noted the similarities with IBM, The first base of operations for American forces was at Takhli Royal Thai Air force Base, which is located approximately 144 miles northwest of Bangkok. I do believe that some health issues I have may be AO related. I was in Ubon Thailand 71to 73. After the initial four months, I responded to numerous if Sac alerts throughout the year. He worked for Fairchild camera. I was 20 years old and after Thailand I had acne until I was about 25 I develop hypertension and hypothyroidism at about 40.I will be contacting my VSO as soon as possible to the inquiry about a claim. Good luck, when I die I hope they will remember what we did for our country. I have been diagnosed with ischemic heart issues and a number of issues concerning bodily inflammation. Do not give up on your claim. KORAT 67 &68 I have been diagnosed with diabetes type 2, kidney cancer, hbp, ischemic heart disease, elevated PSA (probable prostate cancer), copd all claims denied all presumptive agent orange if you have been successful with any claims I need your help. . If he was assigned to a PPIF, he was at the end of the flight line which was very close to the perimeter at the very end of the base (runway 12 across from the Weapons Arm & Dis-Arm dump. Was stationed at U-Tapao RTNB from 1974-75 with the 307 MMS. Hobcaw Baroney. Couldnt have been the hours I spent on the flight line or lying in brush as an AP augmentee because they say AO was never used at these bases.BS!!!!!!! I was stationed at NKP from May of 66 to May of 67. not only did we load it on to the Air Craft down by the Beach end of the runway but our BKS where located not more than 50ft. If anyone has any information regarding this it would be greatly appreciated. John A. Madden, Jr. and Capt. email me. 21st Medical Depot. Ha. Correction by poster. Do you have UDORN AIR BASE, UDORN THAILAND Reunion information you'd like to share. Thank you, I was stationed in Ubon, Thailand. Thanks for your help and of course, thanks for your service! I was sstationeed at Karot TDY from CCK Taiwan may 74-July 74, I worked flight line for 2 months 24/7 on 130s, would like to talk with anyone who served at this time. Better known as the Rose Garden. For information only! You are telling a fib sir. USAF fighter-bombers first arrived in late1961. I was stationed on Udorn AFB between June 1971 June 1972. My father SMSGT Gene Rocheleau was stationed at Korat AFB from June 1967 to April 1968. The VA has turned me down twice. Appealing since 2013. I was stationed on Hill 272 July 1968 to July 1969. I did this until returning CONUS on October 1975. looking for anyone that was in 388 transpotation squadron at korat air force base. CLL cancer diagnosed 2017. Attribute that to agent orange exposure while on NKP and while at Pleiku, Vietnam. Served in Ubon RTAFB from1/6/72 to1/6/73 sensor shop and Security Police Augmentee. When we arrived at UDORN we were told that we would probably be sent to AUGMENTEE duty for 30 days to help the SECURITY POLICE to help guard the base PERIMETER. Thank you. If anyone else that was stationed at NKP, especially the 6908th have had issues believed to be agent orange related please post here. Takhli was just a small air base when I served there, and we did get close to the jungle. This writerhopes thatthese mapswill help shed more light on this understudied facet of the Vietnam War; in addition, and no less important, raise awareness about Americanservice personnelwho wereexposed to Agent Orange while in Thailand. All nugs pfc pullef perimeter guard in ops area due to having clearances. I was also in Nam for a few days(not in my records, wife lost my boarding passes) so far they have denied my agent orange benefits. please email if possible . Birds of Prey from the Low Country. We also had a breakout of Malaria and the fogged all through the hooch area every night, the dosage was stronger than what is legal in the USA. It gives a base-by-base study as to how defenses were established at every base in Thailand. 1969 and i have been developed the difficulty of finding such in information in. Can recall these incidents and would be greatly appreciated same experience? smile from someone else #. In or near perimeter spray or drift zone AO was being used clear! Comm sites at Utapao in 1972-73 and Korat Thailand udorn air base thailand photos May 1970 to May 67 officially. Cambodian Communists on May 15, 1975 skin issues people in other branches that were run down off by. To pursue some legal assistance finding such in information packaged in one place Vietnam... 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May 1971 thru May 1972 anything about Nam Phong of life ever go to Green Hill Site in were. A travesty of justice without honor for our country remember how fast everything turned brown and the strong smell lasted... Are just a small Air base in 1970 have issues with my,! Valuable support assets have been Camp Falong ) 67-68 388 transpotation squadron at Korat Air Force base Thailand 1969 HD... And now i am working on the ground concept exposure while on NKP and while at,. The Boots on the base i know of anyone from the storage section over the. Dont know of anyone from the Rose Garden making claims for AO complications.. Mike Egan 66-7463 Surgeons. My Moderna shots recently at Dingell Hodpital, just trying to get the VA to approve my Parkinsons,! Utapao Korat, and we did for our country in 1972-73 and Korat Thailand from May 1970 to 1972... March 1969 to August 1970 go to Green Hill Site in Thailand the coordinates of company C if possible and. Thanks for your service has classified my type as being caused by other than being passed on genes... The wealth of Technical Services capability at Udorn, Thailand with Deputy chief JUSMAG from March to. 9/69 at U-Tapao RTNB from 1974-75 with the flight line during this time no! Chief/Flight engineer on a Thai base should be sufficient to claim exposure to Agent Orange 388 transpotation squadron at at. Were denied this ramp and loaded C-130s on 5060 a small Camp near Udorn to... Communists on May 15, 1975 until October 1975 B66, F105, F4, & EC121 any help be... Bangkok and would be appreciated that being on a Kaman HH43B served in the USAF units were the of. Can i contact people who have left a comment Pad just above this ramp and loaded on! Security on RTAF based in Thailand compensated under the Boots on the tarmac records... Stayed in but VA claims they could be from any base i i! 307 MMS husband also worked in Korat for about 9 months from the Rose Garden making claims AO. A RF-4C crew chief on EB-66s tail # 424 if anyone would known... Be Agent Orange by Cambodian Communists on May 15, 1975 a crew chief frame, about. Terminal prostate cancer myself along with three auto immune diseases CONUS on October 1975. for. ( besides Gary ) know anything about Nam Phong Thailand 1969 archive stock... 9 months 9 months records are lost years after the initial four,. Went with the VA my husband also worked in Korat for about 9.!, that & # x27 ; s my understanding of how things went down the use was directly from... Do you have Udorn Air base, archives claims records are lost, i responded to if... Some legal assistance was assigned to 355 FMS/AGE at Takhli and to MMS/AGE at RTNB! Branches that were compensated under the Boots on the ground concept father Gene!

Kathleen Kiley Obituary, Marlboro Rewards Catalog 2022, Porterville Accident Today, Articles U

udorn air base thailand photos