once upon a time fanfiction regina morning sickness

Okay, yeah. Even Sidney had clearly been trying to show off, like saying a swear word to be impressive or cool. Were crazy, I said as I tried to catch my breath. I knew she wouldn't open up so easily, but I took the risk and kept pushing her. Okay, Ill- Ill just take you in my arms, Emma sighed. I wanted to tell you my suspicions if they come to be, but I didnt want to scare you if I didnt need to. The last thing she wanted to be thinking of before she put on the Sorting Hat was Mother. I do know the shield charm., Emma shook her head, Theres knowing it and mastering it. If they were going to start jumping, she could use a little extra cushion to start with. It was just after that part that Emma remembered she was supposed to be following along so she knew when to join in. Geez. She slumped off to her usual table in the back. I know apparition can be a bit hard to handle the first time., Yeah, Emma lied, her voice weak. Kathryn was wrestling with her Monster Book of Monsters and Tina ended up having to help her calm it, but not before it had torn a sizable clump of hair from her head. Emma made up a story about forgetting something on the train and was told to write a letter to her head of house. I bet youd be a great cook, especially if you put as much effort and care into cooking as you do riding., Regina blushed, ducking her head slightly before looking back up at him, You think so?, Daniel nodded, Yeah. It reminded her of all the times shed gone into stores and been followed because she looked like trouble, people pre-judging her clothes and the other signs she was a foster child and therefore up to no good. The thought seemed to be enough to remind her mouth that it was dry. Stop this at once.. They seem to mostly be treating this like a hosting an exchange student, which is weird but not bad. I realized how much I missed being in big cities and it felt good to be back for a bit. Still, there was obvious confusion over how Regina should be viewedher mother had been killing people, but Regina was the one who turned her over to Azkaban. The prefect led them to the spiral staircase in the center of the common room. Reginas hand, which was still buried in Emmas curls, tightened its grip and pulling her closer. Theres a big chance youll end up dueling your mother, right?, Yes, Regina swallowed nervously at the thought. Most of their possessions, such as their house and so on, she would receive upon turning seventeen and until then she would receive her allowance. She could do this. Regina scowled. Its definitely not something we have a problem with at my school. After waiting in a short line, she was called up to one of the goblin tellers, I would like to speak with Grundran, Vault Master.. Both of you can come with me as Professor Gold and I notify your parents., Elizabeth moved to talk with them more quietly and Regina looked back at Whale. Are you emancipated? he asked, his facial expression clearly demonstrating that he already knew the answer. Golds? We started dancing and at one point, she placed her hand on the middle of my back and dipped me. Through the windows, they could all see another short man take hold of him to lead him away. She ignored the Hufflepuff for now, focusing on Rocinante. She didnt feel any better by the time they pulled up to the house, at least it didnt look as bad as some of the other homes shed been in. On behalf of all the Quidditch teams, I think I owe it tell them they should all replace their locks, dont you think?, Emma caught Reginas rather scared expression and immediately knew shed come on too strong, Whoa! Hey, this is serious, Lily said in a falsely stern voice that her smile betrayed a second later. They beat once, twice, before picking up to the typical rapid flutter; the whisper of sound picked up by Reginas ears even as far away as she wasor maybe it was just her imagination. With that he retreated to the back of the shop and out of site, leaving the students alone in the main portion of the shop. Emma remembered the pain in Reginas voice when she spoke of Quidditch and her mother. How had it taken so much longer to get here than it usually did? My apologies for our lateness, Gold said as he gestured Emma in. The trip down was even shorter than it had felt last time and before Emma knew it, they were in the same large chamber. That was potentially a good sign. Wonderful, Silvia said with a smile and lead her to the counter. You have to learn to float.. This is the allowance. Whatever. Emma didnt think shed ever heard the other girl say anything so casual. They beat once, twice, before picking up to the typical rapid flutter; the whisper of sound picked up by Regina's ears even as far away as she wasor maybe it was just her imagination. No wonder were friends, Ruby said, grinning while jumping up and down in her seat. Emma held Regina's hands and kissed her hair and forehead as the doctor and nurses set up for the spinal tap. By the time the doors opened, Regina knew shed managed to put on her usual mask, but also was aware it was much flimsier than usual. Shouldnt you be, you know, working? Emma asked, mostly teasing. Silence filled the space between them, considering, but not awkward. The goblins didnt blink twice at her being on her own and took her quickly to her vault for her withdrawal. Im Mr. Muoz. (And they don't yet know that it will change their lives. Henry is kicking and spinning in his sleep., I know. I am a professor, we are given some training on how to notice these things, so I suspected. The lessons were not going well. Her mind refocused on what she often tried not to think about, She killed Daniel, that I know of. Henry is a patient that Regina takes care of and ends up growing close with. Nice to meet you.. She ended up window shopping in Diagon Alley for the rest of the day, refusing to think about her problems. Her father wasnt just dead, her mother had killed him? Emma hadnt even noticed her moving to stand beside Emma and her friends. Other than that, we couldnt wake up until about 2 p.m. We knew that we would leave the next morning, so after having breakfast - or lunch or snack, I dont know what to call it - we spent most of the day packing and we also went out to a nearby supermarket to buy some food and drinks for the way back home. He turned with a smile, Yes, Miss Navar, what can I do for you?. Regina, I can tell theres something youre not telling me. Regina had been in shock and deveastated, but after winter break, it had been worse. However, her real reason for asking to permanently book a time slot on one of the potion practice dungeons, was to have a better place to brew potions to sell. Sorry., Weve been worried, David said, gentler even than Mary Margaret had. I never could have imagined that. She knew she should have thought more about what to tell her friends, but she honestly hadnt been able to do more than get lost in memories of papi and circles of denial. They stared at each other for a moment before there was a thump from both Emmas trunk and Reginas book hitting the floor. I cannot express how heartbroken I am to leave you when you needed me most and I want to warn you. Additionally, she has killed wizards and muggles alike, several over the past few years., Tamara sat back in her chair, her expression inscrutable, Thats a serious accusation., Regina straightened in her char. She crossed her arms in front of her and pointed out, And what exactly are you here doing?. She blinked again, was she so sleep deprived she was hallucinating? Theyre just going to New York for a few days to get some well-deserved rest.. Um, do you want to try again?, Regina glared at her, Yes. Then she forced herself to take a deep breath, reminding herself she needed a happy memory. Im sorry, Mother, Regina replied dully, knowing there was nothing more that she could say. I was meeting with Professor Flitwick when Dumbledore requested he come to his office and fetch you. Beth has it covered for now. Despite her nerves about the train station, shed managed to make it through the wall and get on the train without a problem. Regina brought up her wall and changed in to her pajamas in a tired haze. Regina was staring at Emma as if shed never seen her before and it was because for the first time in her life, she felt like someone was really seeing her. Regina's Daughter (Once Upon A Time/Peterpan Fanfiction), Chapter 1: And Straight On 'Til Morning Part 1, Chapter 2: Straight On 'Till Morning part 2, Chapter 3: The Heart of the Truest Believer, Chapter 13: I Accidentally On Purpose Find the Others, Regina's Daughter (Once Upon A Time Fanfiction). Her head spun at finally revealing what she knew. The mattress lowered and raised when she left and I found myself sort of relieved. You on the other hand were coming out of the Gryffindor shed if Im not mistake.. The home Im in seems pretty fineinstead of a group home, Im staying with a family. Char must have heard her and he also managed to adjust his descent so that it went by his right. Shed definitely missed dinner though. Like were supposed to be now. Up, Emma said and pointed to the fire escape. Or any really, but it certainly sounded like any other shop. Your undoing, Mother.. She gotten onto the Hogwarts Express platform just fine. May up the rating later. Oh, plus a babyI try to stay out of the house so they dont make me babysit although I probably will have tonight, urgh., Wow, Ive never really been around that many little kids. A nurse hung fluids from the IV now in place in Regina's tiny arm. The lithifold had reached her now and was dragging Ruby forward as it leaned down. The other fallowed her lead and soon enough bother were spread out and clearly had spell diagrams on them. She whipped her streaming eyes. Gold knew, not specifics, but he knew that Mother must have, have punished her. The consequences became obvious the next day when Emma went into the Great Hall and there was an audible dip in conversation before it rose even higher than before. I know I said I would write you something more than that Mother had been arrested and that I was safe when I had the chance to. Solid proof., Tamara was frowning as she thought, You said she had trophies and Dark items. Soon enough though, one of the dwarves remembered she was there and pulled her over to join in the celebration, distracting her. So, Emma said. The Wedding Date (pt. She hit the pillow with her fist. Eventually they moved on, down the stairs and out the backdoor Emma had seen Leroy leave through. I dont even want to know what youre talking about, Mary Margaret said with a head shake. Random groups of five for the quaffle handling portion.. And she was the one who didnt want them. They still looked more like journals, than real published books, but newnew enough that someone probably had to peel off price stickers. I am so sorry, he said for once sounding like he meant it. The spell bounced harmlessly off the shield and held through the severing charm Cora cast seconds later. They cautiously began opening first doors they came across. Emma was rather surprised shed want to go anywhere else. Really good friends actually, sorry I thought you might Well, anyway, I think hed like to meet you, if you dont mind., Emma blinked, this guy wanted her to meet his dad. Okay, Emma replied, her now standard response to anyone who tried to talk to her about her parents. Ive tried dozens different memories, the happiest I can think of. Sure., You dont actually have to use a memory., Reginas brow furrowed as she stared at the Hufflepuff. Said you were raised by muggles? Regina hoped he felt foolish when he saw she wasnt getting a full saddle and that she would have been able to carry all of her tack herself. Noise from where the sleeping dwarves had been also got her attentionthey too were waking up. That is, until an older witch walked around from the other side and Emma realized it was Granny herself. Howd you like it?, I enjoy it, Neal said, Next year is my last year. Regina sat in silence on the top of the tower for a long time. Of course, she knew what the real problem was. Because she earned her letterMcGonagall said that was never in question, that she was a witch even if she wasnt a White. Cypress and unicorn hair, similar to your fathers but nine inches instead of ten and a bit more flexible. She looked more present than she had all year and Emma felt some of that confidence rub off on her. Emma hadnt known what to think when the intimidating older woman showed up at the group home she was currently at and tried to tell her she was a witch. Now, the last item is optional. Regina. Well, before the Ministry swooped in and they got Obliviated. Very Slytherin of you, if I might say so. Regina blushed, shed always suspected he knew. Even thought the wards would now allow the aurors access to the estate, the main household would still be alerted if they were to visitthat included Cora. Emma tried to distract herself as a robe was pinned to her form. She squinted down at the recipe before counting out the eight pods she would need. The fire lit her eerily from behind as she growled, Walk. I hope you still have auror protection, theyre still rounding up a couple of the people your mum said knew about what she was doing and people might be angry enough to take things out on you. She supposed that would be easier. Finally, with hands outstretched, both reached for the snitch. As much as she loved getting lost in a good book, the library chairs were hell on her backprobably because shed sat at one of the study tables and they were designed to keep bored students from nodding off as they studied. After that, Emma had started to wait outside classes in corners, since people seemingly loved to ambush her before class. The owner Tom eyed her a bit when he realized she was alone but didnt say anything, much to her relief. Hm, Regina acknowledged. If I had to pick anyone, it would have been you. Emma nearly tripped as she tried to match the older womans pace. Then Abby grinned, Good thing hes not here then. Thestrals are gentle creatures who appreciate calm, Regina explained as she beckoned Emma closer. When Regina looked at Emma questioningly, Emma just shook her head and refused to share how she had known the password. She was the first one to pull back though and as she slid her hands back into her pockets, I instantly missed her skins warmth on mine. Shed expected Regina toto Emma didnt know what. Perfect. Regina tapped it once with her wand and it was encoded in the same manner her business ledger was. Regina stands inside of her walk-in closet observing her endless choice of suit jackets. Emma had called the spell up more quickly an effortlessly than Regina could have. Everyone murmured their goodbyes, too surprised by the sudden change in the conversation to say much else. Emma froze even as Danny replied, Emmas here, but her name is Swan. Some people thinks its very easy to tell, but I think thats a load of rubbish, if you dont mind me saying. That got a smile from Emma. Them? Maybe for one night, if she said exam stress was getting to her. No gave it to youyou earned it., Regina flushed but nodded, It is, isnt?. He seems to be the most friendly of them, or at least the most curious., Emma cautiously brought her hand to his neck, lightly petting him. Pillow fluffed and neatly tucked back beneath her head, Regina closed her eyes, intent on salvaging what remained of the night. I got it., Ms. Sapphire smiled encouragingly, I know you do. Emma didnt wait for his response, she just raced back in through the front door, down the hall and into her bedroom. Uh, yeah, Im fine, Emma managed as she pushed up slightly on her elbows. Holidays, birthdays, medical procedures, Kathryn elaborated. Emma and her friends slowly began grinning at each other before they too were hugging. Daniel, the Mills' stable boy, is there to pick up the pieces. Double the trouble ensues as Emma navigates caring for a jealous little queen and her newfound twin sister. Pay me? No one had ever paid her for a potion, normally she just traded favors or even just made something for a friend because they asked and it was nice to have her skills appreciated. Although I heard thats also pretty advanced charm., Yeah, it is. After a round of introductions of her friends, Marco recognized Mary Margarets surname and he gave Ruby a sharp look, for all he said that he still saw Granny frequentlyDavid being a muggleborn meant he didnt know him at allbut he smiled at all of them and was very polite. So what were you doing out here?. Expecto Patronum! Emma called out, louder than Regina had expected and brought her thoughts back to focus on what they were doing. Another new student for me?. It was simultaneously a familiar sight and like nothing she had ever seen before. Cora moved to stand behind her, shooing the older witch to the side. And its hard to see or hear the metronome clock by Golds desk., Oh, yes, I can see if youre not next to it Here, Gold keeps spare smaller ones in one of his closets in the main classroom. They continued to look through the pictures, but there was only one other with Snow in it. Her eyes shot up to meet Reginas, it works! She pulled her hand back quickly before it slipped to low. Ruby knew the most about magical creatures because of Granny and she quickly ran through the possibilities, Lethifold! Ruby shrank back, crawling backwards. He cheated, Regina said flatly. It warmed in her hand as she did so and let out golden sparks. Do you know why I worry Ill turn into my mother? I know a short cut! She didnt sound worried, she sounded excited. , It gets hot under there! Emma protested. She knew she should probably let it be, but she couldnt help herself. A kid with a suitcase alone in a park was just too weird for her to go unnoticed. Shes just so bossy, Emma complained to Ruby. Hey! I said as I shut the door behind myself and entered the tidy room with my hands on my hips. She knew that family was important to him, but she couldn't help feel like he was slipping away from her. So they keep asking me about Hogwarts and I keep needing to make crap up about what its like. Emma nodded, from what it had sounded like, each dwarf in a clutch was born with a specialized skill, if some of them were cursed, then the mine must not be functioning very well. I did. Regina looked completely shocked, but a smile spread across her face. What do you mean its come back?, He made an impatient growling noise, I mean, Sneezys already back asleep and Novashe barely remembered anything in the first place. He sped up, clearly venting some of his frustration for the first time, Sapphires refusing to do anything and says if its back then theres nothing more she can do because you and her did the only thing that can be done. Mary Margaret almost started to pull back, worried shed done the wrong thing, when Rubys arms came up and hugged her back just as fiercely. And everything else I said? Sharon replied. Besides, the more you took a potion, the more likely you were to get side effects or build up a tolerance to it. She wont resort to Unforgivables until after shes tried and failed to keep me still., Emma tried to keep her face neutral. Look! Emma stood straight and showed me that the surface was way under her collar bone. She took a deep breath and ran out from behind the suit of armor. They stepped around to the opening and Emma saw that Regina was frowning as she looked at her propped up ankle, which was covered in thick orange paste of some kind. Regina had long given up trying to excuse herself early. She feel asleep over the books despite her nerves. Thank you for your assistance. Regina gave her a fond, exasperated look and then shooed her away so she had enough space to do the spell. Regina shuddered form the cool feeling the small wave of magic gave off. You see, many young wizards claim to have their own money, but it is often money given to them by their parents, in which case, it is still considered their parents money.. Whats next? Emma asked, clutching the box that held her wand tightly to her chest. There was that article about the wizard that had gone missing, I think that was her. Finally, he stopped fiddling with the beakers and jars and turn completely around to face her. Now she was really angry, one of her friends was going to get hurt. It was a lighter wood than most brooms Emma had seen before, but she could tell, despite the unusual style, it was a work of art. Youre our friend and somethings wrong and you wont tell us., Its I found out Granny tried to keep it from me My mom Ruby kept starting her sentences before changing her mind. The city lights coming through the window shone on her dark locks. Granny nodded much more decisively than Emma had and strode into the building like there was no way she wouldnt get what she wanted. She pulled out her wand to tap the lock to the Hufflepuff brooms and went to grab the one shed claimed. Mother had infiltrated the Ministry thoroughly and relentlessly to gain the notoriety she currently enjoyed. For what? Despite the darkness outside, it seemed light and tall, different than the darker grey of most of the castles walls. What about your brother? Anyhow, we solved the problem: I put on my black sports bra with seemingly matching workout shorts; Henry also had his workout shorts with him and Regina, well she actually brought half of her wardrobe and she had a bikini. True, Emma admitted as she copied Regina, kneeling opposite her I have no one to blame but myself.. I I guess I could, could ask my friends to come help., Fine, whatever you need, Leroy stuffed his hat on his head. Hiding under a bridge, Emma was even more grateful for the inherited invisibility cloakGranny had given it to her at the end of the school year, saying it had belonged to her mother. Regina could see the distaste she felt for it and she never, not once, said anything about her own time here, beyond her pride in her house. As she fell back onto the bed and looked up to the ceiling, which was enchanted to show the view of the stars from the top of their tower, she wondered why, even though she was exhausted from her long day, she still felt tense. Well?, So I was thinking and I think I wanted to ask you, Alright, she nodded. Ready to start? Emma asked. She belonged on this team, she belonged in the air. Emma took it even as she frowned at Ruby, I didnt want to tell Madame Promfrey. I am your mother! Cora hissed. But youre not trying to do it on a large scale, Tiana reminded her. Emma grinned, Nope, deal them anyways. Kiley and the Gryffindors captain, a beater, nodded. Instantly, the lid fell down and the letter wheel retracted into the trunk and the hidden panel slid back into place. The players scattered, Gryffindor catching the ball and taking off for the hoops, racing against the Ravenclaw keeper. It wasn't rushed or obnoxiously passionate. Whats that? Emma blurted out, eyes fixed on the wooden stick poking of Lilys jacket pocket. Ruby flinched, We went more over the summer this year and I guess Im a little sick of it. Emma opened the door herself, spellbook clutched in her right hand, wand in her left. Regina's world came crashing down around her (again) when Robin and Roland walked out of her life forever. She hated that people would just come up to her and start talking to her now. Something about Reginas story stirred Emmas memory, Wait, I think I heard about that. Fuzzy memories from her first year, trying to follow Ruby and Davids excited Quidditch ramblings when she only barely understood the game. The fact that people have read and liked my work gave me extra motivation while writing this one. Um- Why not? she replied and her teeth shone in the small light when she smiled and with that, she turned to her side, pulling her legs up toward her middle. Her first try for this potion in class had not gone well. I also picked my notebook and started writing dates and addresses and opening hours. And the people. When we crossed the townline, I felt an instant sense of freedom. And it was like the one she herself was holding right now. You did break the spell, so it wasnt wrong, but maybe if there hadnt been a prophecy someone else might have tried to break it. I simply brewed one that only lasted for a short time and had a few side effects I couldnt seem to be able to fix, Regina explained blandly. Rated teen for language and vague references to sex and abuse. Your note wasnt very detailed., Emma laughed at the scolding tone in her friends voice, Good to see you too, MM., Mary Margaret blushed and pouted, Well, it wasnt., Emma shook her head good-naturedly and quickly brought her fellow Hufflepuff up to speed. No, no dont focus on Mother, Regina thought desperately, as she approached the stool. Henry is in the backseat playing on his Nintendo Switch and Regina is next to me. McGonagall leveled a stare at him that even this strange man was not impervious to and so he turned back to the shelves and pulled down a box. So what do you need to do to become one?, Oh, its super complicated. Regina blinked at the simple statement, at the way Emma managed to convey that she understood both why Regina hadnt done anything before and why she was so determined to do something now. She bit her lip as if just realizing how what she said must have sounded to the other girl Imy apologies, her voice was stilted, but sincere when she looked at Emma. Now Emma was angry, I thought we were past lying. Ive been on the house team since I was a third year.. Emma felt rather dazed and while they talked a little longer, she couldnt even remember what had been said. Regina nodded, Yes, it must. It was far to close to Christmas break, anything less than very important could have waited. Just stick out your wand hand, step on board, and we can take you anywhere you want to go. The young man yawned as he looked around and his eyes finally landed on her. What? Ill stretch my arms out under the water and you lie on it, okay? Ive talked to Archie and he prescribed a calming draught for her. Emma gave her a cheeky grin, regaining all of her equilibrium at a chance to bother the serious-minded witch, Because Im just like that. Then her eyes narrowed, You dont play Quidditch, why are breaking into the broomshed?, Regina opened her mouth, but evidently couldnt think of a good lie. Yeah, sure, he agreed and they moved over to where shed dropped her star chart and telescope. Any will of an adult witch or wizard will magically update for worldly possessions when a child is born, but who should care for the childthat is a personal decision if both spouses die. She should have expected Mother to be furious with her outfit choice for the evening. Emma blinked up at Regina once before capturing Reginas mouth in another kiss. If Regina wanted to do that here at Hogwarts, shed need to stop trying to brew things in her cramped dorm room, or abandoned girls toilets, or free potions classrooms. Less than very important could have waited missed being in big cities and it good... To use a little sick of it of suit jackets just dead, her Mother more over summer! Lid fell down and the letter wheel retracted into the building like there was that about! Effortlessly than Regina had expected and brought her thoughts back to focus on what they doing... 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once upon a time fanfiction regina morning sickness